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By providing the information required in this form and clicking "Submit", you hereby consent to the collection, use and/or disclosure (“Processing”) of your personal data by Go Net Zero Pte Ltd as specified in the Sembcorp Privacy Statement, provided always that your personal data will only be processed by Go Net Zero Pte Ltd for purposes which are reasonably applicable given the circumstances.
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By providing the information required in this form, you hereby consent to the collection, use and/or disclosure (“Processing”) of your personal data by Go Net Zero Pte Ltd, Sembcorp Industries Limited (“SCI”) and SCI’s affiliates (collectively referred to as “Sembcorp”) for the purposes of: (a) sending you marketing content related to Sembcorp’s activities, products and services; and (b) where reasonably required, for any purpose stated in the Sembcorp Privacy Statement, provided always that your personal data will only be processed by Sembcorp for purposes which are reasonably applicable given the circumstances.